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"We are created to be happy" - Interview mit Fakultätsleiterin Sister Mbolatiana

“Life is full of trials, hardships, sadness, and negative things, but don’t let them control you nor take you over. We are created to be happy.”

Mein Name ist Sophie und ich bin eine der vier Freiwilligen. Bereits ab der ersten Minute war mir die Frau, die sich später dann als Sister Mbolatiana vorstelle sympatisch. Ich war gemeinsam mit Victoria für den Englischunterricht im dritten Jahrgang ihrer Fakultät - Pädagogik - zuständig. Das war die erste Begegnung mit Ihr als Person und es folgten viele weitere. Die Gespräche mit ihr waren herzlich und vor allem aber – strukturiert und super organisiert. Wer die Möglichkeit hat mit Sister Mbolatiana zusammen zu arbeiteten, egal ob als Lehrkraft, Student oder Studentin oder als Gastdozentin, wie wir es waren, erlebt eine professionelle, positive und strahlende Persönlichkeit. Ohne mindestens ein Lächeln sowie einen positiven Gedanken wurde die Unterhaltung nicht beendet.

Mein persönliches Highlight war, als ich merkte, dass Sie Qigong und Tanzen für Ihre Studierende anbot. Kurzer Hand war ich Teil der Tanz Crew und konnte dadurch ihre pädagogischen Fähigkeiten als Trainerin live miterleben sowie Studierende aus meinem eigenen Kurs besser kennen lernen. Weitere wirklich beeindruckende Anekdoten und Geschichten würden hier den Umfang eines Beitrages sprengen, weshalb im Folgenden das Interview zu finden ist, welches ich mit Ihr vor Ort in Antsirabe geführt habe. Sie spricht super Englisch, weshalb das Gespräch auch auf Englisch geführt wurde. Viel Spaß und lasst euch von dieser spannenden Persönlichkeit inspirieren. Und nicht vergessen, mindestens ein Grinsen oder Lächeln ist garantiert 😊

Sister Mbolatiana und Sophie in ihrem Büro an der ESSVA

Sophie mit der Qigong- und Tanzen-Gruppe von Sister Mbolatiana

1. Who are you? 

My whole name is RAZAKASOA Mbolatiana Modeste Marie Andréa. I’m usually called Sister Mbolatiana. I’m Malagasy. Religious/ a nun. It’s been 24 years that I’m religious.

2. What are your roles at ESSVA?

I’m responsible of the Sciences and Techniques of Education (STE), both presential and learning in distance. I have about 119 students in STE presential and about 100 of distant learning

Sister Mbolatiana und Sophie auf der Zeremonie der Stipendienvergabe mit leckerem madagassischen Jus naturel

3. What "activities" do you do, when you are rather teaching nor doing RM tasks?

Firstly, I like staying at home. I like tidying, cleaning, doing the washing. Sometimes, I do some gardening. I take care of my being by doing some cardio exercises, and doing Qigong every day. I also sing, dance (I create some choregraph),. I visit my family when I have time. I like watching films, mostly, funny and comic ones and romantic films as well. But I read a lot, too. I like reading novels, spiritual books,… I’m responsible of a group of children, teenagers, young people in Ambositra. That’s 90 km from Antsirabe. They are firstly a group of choir. But I also do some choreography with them. Some theatre

4. You are teaching Qigong, why do you think sharing the idea of Qigong with students is important?

Yes, I’m doing and sharing Qigong with some of my students. I had a very good experience of practicing Qigong and I want to share the good things I’ve got from Qi gong: calm, serenity, enjoying life, taking advantages of the present, positive mind, self-esteem, self-confidence, self-trust, and self-fulfillment. Qigong increases energy, vitality, help having good health, release any tensions

5. What drives you? What keeps you going in live?

Making my life an offering to God and to the others. Giving myself, sharing joy, loving as much as I could. All of that makes me happy. Love, faith, the joy of living, life itself… Trying to have and keep a positive mind. It really helps.

6. What inspires you in live (in general)?

I would firstly say WHO before WHAT. For me, my relationship with Trinity God inspires me in all thing. Despite the fact that He is invisible, I really believe in his presence and in his existence. For me, he is true, very close and intimate friend, a trustful and faithful friend. He inspires me to love. In him, with Him, through Him, in Him, I can manage to go ahead and to. Secondly, Love. bring joy to all those I’m in contact with through my life and my existence and my simple presence. Something in me always pushes me to go ahead and share joy to others just by being myself. I don’t need to be “Someone” to bring joy to others. I need to be “ME”.

7. Why did you become a professor? What do you like about it?

I love teaching and being with pupils or students. I like sharing my knowledge. But I also like helping them to grow-up humanly, spiritually and intellectually, to become responsible of their own life. For me the most important is rather educating than teaching: there is a slight difference. I’m convinced that education is the most beautiful and efficient means to a successful life. So, by educating, I bring my part and my collaboration to improve Malagasy children and youth life

8. What do you do in stressful or difficult times? Any recommendation for others? Because difficult times are an inherent part of live.

Firstly, I pray: that is keep in touch with Jesus. Telling Him everything about my problems and difficulties. That gives me more strength. For me, my relationship with Jesus, or with God is the first thing that helps. Then comes anything that helps to take away stress such as Qigong, dancing, reading, watching films, taking time to enjoy the beauty of nature (flowers, songs of birds, soft wind, the full moon… ) any little and simple thing which brings joy…

9. What does dancing/singing or music in general mean to you?

They help me to get rid of my stress. But they are also and mostly a sort of self –realization and self -fulfillment,. A beautiful means to express myself and to bloom where I’m planted…

10. You work together with children, young adults and adults, what is your motivation behind this? How do you think working with different generations affects your life?

Love and education. I don’t have many problems on different generations. The thing is that educating young people is getting more and more difficult. They are losing some of our Malagasy values

11. Do you want to share some words with the world?

Life is worth living. Love and you will be happy. Share and you will be rich. You don’t need to be wealthy to share: share what you have but mostly what you are. May your being and your presence always a source of joy to others even without saying any word. Be opened-minded. Don’t be selfish, Love, love, love. Bloom where you’re planted and you will find your way. Life is full of trials, hardships, sadness, and negative things, but don’t let them control you nor take you over. We are created to be happy. And you will be happy by giving, sharing what you are.

Sister Mbolatiana und Sophie an dem letzten Tag in Antsirabe

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